We perform a visual inspection of the interior and exterior of the structure including the readily accessible attic. The inspection includes the search for mold growth, current water leaks or intrusion, evidence of prior incidents and potential future issues. In addition, Infrared
Thermography and moisture meter readings are taken on the walls, cabinets and other surfaces around all lavatories, showers, appliances, and any suspect areas. Water leaks can promote mold growth and should be fixed. A written report and assessment of the indoor air quality relating to mold is provided. Problem areas in the residence or building are identified that may contribute to future mold infestation.

Our Preliminary Mold Assessment report contains enough information for a competent remediation contractor to follow in the remediation process. We also offer extended and more detailed remediation protocol plans for complicated or large remediation projects. Louisiana State Law requires that only State licensed mold remediation contractors can perform mold remediation on areas in excess of 20 sq. ft.
